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Janet a member of our wonderful volunteer team. Every Thursday she generously gives us some of her time as a regular harvester. Recently she used the volunteer day she was offered by her company to get the Food Hub “full monty!”

Janet recently spent a day helping with all aspects of our daily routine. This was her feedback!

Hi Sam and Tammy

Thank you letting me share a day at the Hub.

It was great to see more of the operation, as harvesting is an in and out operation. It was eye opening to see how much comes in and the manpower needed to triage and correctly store items and get short life stuff out the door. I didn’t realise that so much work is done to save as much as possible from the poor brown coated carrot that has a good heart underneath it’s shabby coat that can be salvaged and saved for use at a later date. Every piece that comes in is important and worthy of the food hub time and is saved wherever possible.

It was also great to see and chat to people coming to collect for all different groups. It is heart warming to see that people still care about each other and want to help each other – gives a great fuzzy feeling!

The atmosphere in the Hub is amazing. No wonder volunteers come back week after week. Everyone is so welcoming and eager to ensure that I had what I needed to complete the task in hand. There was no such thing a stupid question. That is something that cannot be bottled and comes from strong leadership.

I loved chatting to you Sam and hearing about your previous experience. Thank you for sharing so openly.

A great day! I have sent report back to my company and asked how we can help as a company to ensure that the Food Hub continues.

Keep being bonkers – you are doing a FANATASTIC JOB.

Thank you!


Volunteering with the Food Hub is fun and makes such a difference for our community and the environment.

Find out more here if you would like to join us for a volunteer day via your company or become a regular member of our team!
